Jacket 20 — December 2002 — Contents page
* Focus: Cambridge, England *
Feature: Veronica Forrest-Thomson, 1947–1975
Veronica Forrest-Thomson, Cambridge, 1972, copyright © Jonathan Culler 1972, 2001
Brian Kim Stefans: Veronica Forrest-Thomson and High Artifice — NOTE: This article is in Jacket 14
J.H. Prynne: Veronica Forrest-Thomson: A Personal Memoir (1976)
Veronica Forrest-Thomson: five poems
Veronica Forrest-Thomson: Swinburne as Poet: a reconsideration (an unpublished essay)
Swinburne Chronology — 1837 to 1909
Veronica Forrest-Thomson: A letter to G.S. Fraser
George Fraser: poem: A Napkin with Veronica’s Face, not Christ’s
James Keery: ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ and the Levels of Artifice: Veronica Forrest-Thomson on J.H. Prynne — a fifty-page analysis of VF-T’s analysis of J.H. Prynne’s poem ‘Of Sanguine Fire’
Peter Robinson reviews Veronica Forrest-Thomson: On the Periphery (from Perfect Bound
magazine, Cambridge, Number 1, 1976.)
Robert Sheppard: poem: Parody and Pastoral
Suzanne Raitt reviews Alison Mark, Veronica Forrest-Thomson and Language Poetry
John Tranter: poem: Address to the Reader
The Aspidistra Cult: Articles and Reviews
Andrew Duncan: A Various Art and the Cambridge Leisure Centre
Andrew Duncan reviews Trevor Joyce, a body of work 1966–2000
William Empson
Andrew Duncan reviews Paul Holman, Helen Macdonald, and DS Marriott
Paddy Fraser: G.S. Fraser, A Memoir... ‘Like many Scotsmen, George had strong appetites and an even stronger sense of guilt about indulging them.’
Jérôme Game: Anti-Freeze, by Keston Sutherland
John Kerrigan: Paul Muldoon’s Transits
John Kinsella: Cambridge Notes (1996)
Rod Mengham: Bourgeois News: Humphrey Jennings and Charles Madge (‘We are [...] working out a complete plan of campaign, which will be possible when we have not fifty but 5,000 observers. The following are a few examples of problems that will arise: Behaviour of people at war memorials. Shouts and gestures of motorists. The aspidistra cult...’)
Kate Price: Experiment magazine, 1928–31 — William Empson, William Hare, Jacob Bronowski, Hugh Sykes Davies and Humphrey Jennings.
Peter Quartermain: CADDEL
Hugh Sykes-Davies
Hugh Sykes Davies —
‘a lioness in the sidecar’
George Watson — ‘Remembering Prufrock’ — Hugh Sykes Davies 1909–1984
Hugh Sykes Davies, Four Poems:
‘Decline of Phæthon’ (1929)
‘Sententiæ’ (1931)
‘In the stump of an old tree...’ (1936)
‘It doesn't look like a finger...’ (1938)
Hugh Sykes Davies, Prose:
Sympathies with Surrealism (1936)
Review of Narration, by Gertrude Stein (1936)
Cambridge Poetry (1955)
John Kerrigan: Checklist of the publications of Hugh Sykes Davies
Cambridge gargoyle
Five poets and an essay
from Quid magazine, Cambridge
Editor: Keston Sutherland
Durs Grünbein, from ‘Variation auf kein Thema’
Peter Manson, ‘Envoy’
Tim Morris, ‘Dramatis Personæ’
Keston Sutherland, ‘Ten Past Nine’
John Wilkinson, ‘The Line of Definition’
David Hess: Letter to Kent Shaw (on Li-Young Lee).
Tom Clark
Tom Clark:
Letters home from Cambridge (1963–65)
Feature: Parataxis magazine (Cambridge, UK)
Editors: Drew Milne & Simon Jarvis
Andrea Brady: Song (for Florida)
Clark Coolidge: Two poems
Fanny Howe: excerpt from Reconstruction
Simon Jarvis: Quality and the non-identical in J.H.Prynne’s ‘Aristeas, in seven years’
Grace Lake: Three poems
Rod Mengham: Down in the Mouth
Drew Milne: Agoraphobia, and the embarrassment of manifestos
Drew Milne reviews Poets on Writing: Britain, 1970–1991, Ed. Denise Riley
Dell Olsen: from Corrupted by Showgirls
Neil Reeve and Richard Kerridge: Deaf to Meaning: On J.H.Prynne's The Oval Window
Denise Riley: Knowing in the real world
Keston Sutherland: Ritalin Daiquiri
John Wilkinson: Getting Shot Of It
Parataxis magazine feature:
Contemporary Chinese poetry
Che Qianzi
Zhou Yaping
Yi Cun
Huang Fan
Hong Liu
Zhou Yaping: Letter to J.H. Prynne
Huang Fan: Poetry’s new shore: Language
Biographical Notes
Jeff Twitchell: Note on the translations
J.H. Prynne: Afterword
Feature: Perfect Bound magazine, 1976 to 1979
Interview: Nate Dorward talks to editor Peter Robinson about Perfect Bound magazine, issued from Cambridge from 1976 to 1979
Contents list: Over twenty pages of writing from Perfect Bound magazine:
J. H. Prynne: The Land of Saint Martin
John James: After Christopher Wood
Peter Robinson: Veronica Forrest-Thomson: On the Periphery
Tom Raworth: Magnetic Water
John Matthias: After the Death of Chekhov
Rod Mengham: from Beds & Scrapings
John Wilkinson: Political Health
Aidan Semmens: The Strange Geometry
Adam Clarke-Williams: The Ambassadors: Raymond Williams in Cambridge, Christmas in Portsmouth.
Douglas Oliver: Fun House
Wendy Mulford: Chinese Postcard Sequence
J.H. Prynne: Reader’s Lockjaw
Pierre Reverdy: Poem
Peter Riley: Digest of the Poetical Works of Dora Oliver
Denise Riley: A Nueva York
Geoffrey Ward: It’s My Town (But I Had to Leave It)
Elaine Feinstein: Two Lyrics From ‘An England Sequence’
John Barrell: A Lyrical Ballad
Marcus Perryman: from Outposts
Peter Robinson: Looking Up
Gael Turnbull: The Borders Revisited
John Welch: Grieving Signal
Bob Cobbing and Robert Sheppard: ‘Blatent blather/virulent whoops’
Robert Hampson: ‘the beacon’, ‘no signal detected’, and ‘eroded marks’
Lawrence Joseph, ‘Stop Me If I've Told You’
David Kennedy, ‘Minster’, or ‘Liber Lathomorum’
John Kinsella: Four (Cambridge) poems
Tony Lopez, ‘About Cambridge’
David Marriott, ‘De L’autocritique’
Drew Milne, from ‘Ill at these numbers’
Peter Robinson, ‘Pressure Cooker Noise’ and ‘Living in the Workroom’
* Cambridge Scenic Vignettes by John Tranter

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