Jacket 5 — October 1998 — Contents page
Photo : Mina Loy, Paris, c. 1905
Mina Loy Feature
Kenneth Koch — Very Rapid Acceleration — an interview with Kenneth Koch. You can hear an 18-minute edited RealAudio recording of this interview. If you'd like to obtain the free RealAudio plug-in for your browser, go to http://www.real.com/ and download the basic model.
On Larsen and YASUSADA : Kent Johnson interviewed by Norbert Francis (and see below)
Feature: Yasusada
Araki Yasusada
On YASUSADA : Eliot Weinberger’s original “exposé”, with a postscript
On YASUSADA : Kent Johnson : letter to American Book Review
Articles and Reviews
Charles Bernstein : The Value of Sulfur
David Lehman — Introduction to The Last Avant-Garde — on the New York School of poets
Douglas Oliver — The School of Bedlam, from “Whisper Louise”, a work-in-progress
Steve Evans reviews HOCQUARD and LUOMA
Dale Smith : Reading Philip Whalen
Poems : Thomas Bell / Bill Berkson / Bill Freind / Pierre Joris / John Kinsella / Kate Lilley / Kevin Nolan / Alice Notley / Haki Pok / Chris Stroffolino
Notices : You can read a report by Robert Archambeau on the Post-War American Poetry Conference in Liège, Belgium, held in March 1999
the 9th Cambridge Conference of Contemporary Poetry in
Cambridge, England, in late April 1999
Apparently the Jacket Quiz in issue # 4 has baffled the collective intelligence
of the poetry community, as no correct answers have yet been received. The closing date has been
extended indefinitely, so check the Green Quiz again. The
prize: an unusual and stimulating contemporary poetry anthology. Here are a couple of clues:
imagine Emily Dickinson writing a poem about the town in which Rimbaud was shot.
(This quiz has now closed — Editor, July 2001.)
Feel like a snort from “a beaker full of the warm South, Full of the true, the blushful
Hippocrene, With beaded bubbles winking at the brim, And purple stainéd mouth” (Keats)?
Check out the Wine Spectator’s informative Internet site
Image: detail from the cover of a recent Wine

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Note from the Editor: I cannot accept poetry contributions that I don’t specifically ask for — I don’t have the time or the space to handle them yet. If you’d like to submit a review, article or interview, send a half-page synopsis with your return email address. Because Jacket is free and has no advertising and no source of income, I regret that I cannot offer to pay for contributions.
Copyright Notice: Please respect the fact that this material is copyright. It is made available here without charge for personal use only. It may not be stored, displayed, published, reproduced, or used for any other purpose. The material in this issue of Jacket is copyright © the individual contributors and Jacket magazine, as at the date of this issue.