Jacket 18 — August 2002 — Contents page
Diane Di Prima — Henry J.-M. Levet — Arthur Rainbow’s House
Photo: Diane di Prima at the Gas Light Café, June 18, 1959; photo © Fred McDarrah. Visit his web site
David Hadbawnik interviews Diane di Prima (photo, right)
Corinna Hasofferet interviews
Vénus Khoury-Ghata
Y. T. Wong interviews
Steven Ford Brown
Henry J.-M. Levet
Feature: Henry J.-M. Levet (1874–1906)
Postcards: ten poems by Henry J.-M. Levet
translated by Kirby Olson
Articles and Reviews
Charles Alexander: The Pretext by Rae Armantrout
Aaron Belz, Flood Editions: The Conversation — brief reviews of Gone to Earth, by Pam Rehm; Shrubberies, by Ronald Johnson; On the Cave You Live In, by Philip Jenks; Hole in the Wall, by Tom Pickard; Winter (Mirror), by Paul Hoover and Economics, by Fanny Howe
Brooke Bergan: A Book of the Book
Joel Bettridge: On the Cave You Live In, by Philip Jenks
Sharon Dolin: Darkling: A Poem, by Anna Rabinowitz
David Hess: 4, by Noelle Kocot
Tom Hibbard: Dovecote, by Heather Fuller
Tom Hibbard: The Good House, by Rod Smith
David Lehman: The Mysterious Romance of Murder
Rachel Loden: World, by Maxine Chernoff
Deborah Meadows: Revenants, by Mark Nowak
Ramez Qureshi: Your Name Here by John Ashbery, and The Promises of Glass by Michael Palmer
Jenny Penberthy: Introduction to Lorine Niedecker: Collected Works
Marjorie Perloff: John Tranter and Paul Hoover
Libbie Rifkin: Disobedience, by Alice Notley
Linda Russo: Career Moves: Olson, Creeley, Zukofsky, Berrigan, and the American Avant-Garde by Libbie Rifkin, and Leaving Lines of Gender: A Feminist Genealogy of Language Writing by Ann Vickery
Larry Sawyer: a purchase in the white botanica, by Piero Heliczer
Larry Sawyer: Swimming in the Ground: Contemporary Hungarian Poetry
John Wilkinson: Versary, by Kate Lilley
Michelle Woods: The Good Soldier Švejk (Book One), trans. Sadlon and Joyce
Ingeborg Bachmann, Three poems, translated by Johannes Beilharz
Miguel Barnet, Four poems, translated by Mark Weiss
Erwin Einzinger, Six poems, translated by Johannes Beilharz
Fred Johnston, Two poems
Daniel Kane, Two poems
José Kozer, Four poems, translated by Mark Weiss
Sheila Murphy, Additional Rehearsals
Philip Nikolayev, Lights Out
Todd Swift, Two poems
Hilton Obenzinger, From Satan’s Asshole, Chapter Three
Rimbaud in Harar, self-portrait
Postcard: Arthur Rainbow’s house
in Harar, Ethiopia
Some Canadian poets
edited by rob mclennan
Rob Budde
Stephen Cain
Chris Chambers
Gil McElroy
rob mclennan
George Murray
K.I. Press
nathalie stephens
Julia Williams
rob mclennan interviews Douglas Barbour
Donato Mancini interviews Dorothy T.Lusk
Shane Rhodes: The Natural Selection by Christopher Dewdney
Professor Winkelschnippe’s diagram of the structural dynamics of the typical late-twentieth-century North American poetry career

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