Jacket 14 — July 2001 — Contents page
France — Perloff on Wittgenstein, etc
Marcel Duchamp, with rotoreliefs, a still from Hans Richter's film Dreams That Money Can Buy, 1947. Photo Arnold Eagle.
Charles Bernstein: Poetry and/or the Sacred
Graham Foust: Wallace Stevens’s Manuscript: As If in The Dump
Marjorie Perloff on Wittgenstein and Duchamp (Duchamp photo, right)
Lyn Hejinian: Continuing Against Closure
Susan M. Schultz on Charles Bernstein and Fashion
Brian Kim Stefans: Veronica Forrest-Thomson and High Artifice
Feature: France
Edited by Tracy Ryan
Gig Ryan
Michael Scharf
Joanna Smith Rakoff
Office for Soft Architecture
Candice Ward
McKenzie Wark
Mark Weiss
Marjorie Welish
Susan Wheeler
Carla Harryman
Carla Harryman: From Gardener of Stars — a
Frank Sinatra, James Jones, Montgomery Clift, together in Hawai’i for the 1953 shooting of the movie of Jones’s novel From Here to
Juliana Spahr reviews Rob Wilson, Reimagining the American Pacific
Maria Damon reviews Joseph Lease, Human Rights
Lucy Sheerman reviews Jennifer Moxley, Grace Lake and John Forbes
Poetry and Sculpture
Robert Creeley: Scholar’s Rocks: with sculpture by Jim Dine
Illustration, left: detail from Le Coin de la Table (sometimes titled
‘Un coin de la table’), 1872, by Henri Fantin-Latour (1836–1904).
Verlaine and Rimbaud are seated front left.
Other famous poets of the time who had been asked to sit were so angry when they found that Rimbaud had been asked to join them that they refused to take part.
Even the kind and gentle Albert
Mérat (as Starkie calls him) declined, saying that he did not wish to go
down to posterity in the company with that young hooligan Arthur Rimbaud. The
vase of flowers on the right substituted for him; nonentities took the places
of others — standing: E. Bonnier, Émile Blémont, Jean Aicard — sitting: Verlaine, Rimbaud, Léon Valade, Ernest d’Hervilly, Camille
Pelletan. You can see the original in the Musée d’Orsay in Paris,
where the label for the picture identifies Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine by
their surnames only, as I have done here; the others are given both their first
and second names in order to identify them to an uncaring posterity. Moral:
don’t be snippy!

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Note from the Editor: I cannot accept poetry contributions that I don’t specifically ask for — I don’t have the time or the space to handle them yet. If you’d like to submit a review, article or interview, send a half-page synopsis with your return email address. Because Jacket is free and has no advertising and no source of income, I regret that I cannot offer to pay for contributions.
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