Jacket 10 — January 2000 — Contents page
Guest, O’Hara, Bunting
Barbara Guest, Sermoneta, Italy, 1968
Barbara Guest Feature
Charles Bernstein – Introducing Barbara Guest
Susan Gevirtz – on Barbara Guest
Barbara Guest – from The Confetti Trees
Sara Lundquist on The Countess From Minneapolis
Wendy Mulford on Barbara Guest’s The Blue Stairs
Ramez Qureshi on Barbara Guest’s Rocks on a Platter
John Tranter – poem – The Twilight Guest
Geoff Ward reviews Barbara Guest’s If So, Tell Me
Marjorie Welish: "The Lyric Lately" (a work-in-progress)
Also see the Guest Feature in Jacket 36
Frank O’Hara, Barbara Guest (center) at the closing of the Cedar Bar, New York, 30 March, 1963, detail, photo copyright © Fred W.McDarrah, 1963, 2000
Frank O’Hara Feature
. . . Perhaps, despite the pejorative flavor of the word, it might be more accurate to call them a ‘coterie’ — if we define as coterie a group of writers rejected by the literary establishment who found strength to continue with their work by what the anarchists used to call ‘mutual aid’.
— John Bernard Myers
Russell Ferguson -
Frank O’Hara and American Art
Lytle Shaw -
On Coterie: Frank O’Hara
Ron Koertge -
prose poem – Homage
John Latta -
poem – Elogio di Frank O’Hara
David Lehman -
poem – Ode to Modern Art
Basil Bunting, 1980
Reviews, Interviews, et cetera:
Richard Caddel: Introduction to Basil Bunting’s Complete Poems —
You can listen to Basil Bunting reading ‘At Briggflats meetinghouse’ in RealAudio format
Visit the Basil Bunting Poetry Centre in Durham
Thomas Bell: on McCaffery and Rasula’s Imagining Language
Kent Johnson: interviews Henry Gould
Norman Finkelstein: reviews Armand Schwerner
Great Moments in Literature
Belgrade researchers pinpoint location of ‘Poetry Gland’
Letters to the Editor
Michael Rothenberg, Red Slider
Jacket carried this notice in January 2000:
Does poetry really eMatter? The strangely-named Fatbrain electronic publishing company is featuring poetry on a special, highlighted section of its MightyWords site this April. Here’s the editor, the melodiously-named Ximena O’Reilly: ". . . we would like to invite all poets to submit their collections or individual poetry to sell on our site as eMatter. The publishing process and royalty structure is described in detail on our site.... but I would happy to answer any questions. I can be reached at ximenao@fatbrain.com....”
Jacket doesn’t specifically recommend this site, but it may well be worth a look.
Is this the future, and is it here already?
Well, the future peeped over the horizon, and then went away again. Two years later, the MightyWords site posted this notice: ‘We regret to inform you that MightyWords has ceased operations effective January 12, 2002. We greatly appreciate your business and would like to thank you for supporting MightyWords.’
So much for the Internet as a business model for poetry publishing: or should that be ‘so much for poetry as an income-enhancer’?

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Note from the Editor: I cannot accept poetry contributions that I don’t specifically ask for — I don’t have the time or the space to handle them yet. If you’d like to submit a review, article or interview, send a half-page synopsis with your return email address. Because Jacket is free and has no advertising and no source of income, I regret that I cannot offer to pay for contributions.
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