Jacket 2 — January 1998 — Contents page
John Ashbery feature
Photo of John Ashbery wearing a jacket: by John Tranter (R77-8)
- John Ashbery poem: The Burden of the Park
- Marjorie Perloff: Normalizing John Ashbery
- John Tranter: Interview with John Ashbery, April 1985:
“I’ve never really cared for ‘Self-Portrait’ very much, and I must say I didn’t like it any more when I reread it. But I obviously had to put it in because people would expect it to be there.”
- John Tranter: Interview with John Ashbery, May 1988: “It seemed to me that my [first] book had fallen into a bottomless pit, and that I would never have another chance to publish another book of poems.”
- John Tranter: Three John Ashberys: An Introduction
Bob Perelman’s
The Marginalization of Poetry
“The notable shifting between designations of period, movement, location and practice... again indicates Perelman’s desire to forestall or only partially engage the deictic complexities of classification and orientation by invoking both paratactic equivalence and the hypotactic narrative force of historical sequence.”
— Kate Lilley
… discussed by:
Steve Evans
Ann Lauterbach
Kate Lilley
Ron Silliman
Juliana Spahr
...with a counter-response by
Bob Perelman
Robert Adamson:
The Flow Through: for the Johns
Lee Ann Brown:
two poems
Tim Davis: Smart
Poets Society
Denis Gallagher:
A Cushion
Forrest Gander:
Knife on a Plate
Michael Heller: two
Lisa Jarnot: five
prose pieces
John Kinsella:
Honest, Theocritus!
August Kleinzahler:
Napping After Lunch
Lehman: The Shield of a Greeting
Jennifer Moxley:
Æolian Harp
Eileen Myles:
Peter Riley: three
Kent Johnson /
Akitoshi Nagahata letters: The Yasusada Affair — Hoax, deception,
or work of art?
David Lehman: The
Ern Malley Poetry Hoax (moved to Jacket 17)
Tony Lopez:
Postmodern Poetry Conference, 30-31 March 1998, Plymouth UK
John Tranter: Lost
Things in the Garden of Type
Eliot Weinberger:
James Laughlin (1914–1997)
Eliot Weinberger:
Letter from New York: Vomit
India Amos
Thank-you notice: The first twelve issues of Jacket were coded by me, the editor, John Tranter, using clumsy old HTML. Some kind Code Samaritans have offered their assistance free of charge to re-code the magazine in XHTML, the current standard for coding Web pages. Jacket 2 was re-coded by India Amos. Many thanks!
Since July 1999, India Amos (photo, left) has been webmaster of http://www.poets.org, the website of The Academy of American Poets. For the preceding three years she worked at the Academy as a Program Associate, administering four major poetry awards and the University and College Poetry Prizes; managing content for www.poets.org; and designing American Poet, the Academy’s quarterly journal. She also works as a copyeditor, book designer, and e-book developer.

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Note from the Editor: I cannot accept poetry contributions that I don’t specifically ask for — I don’t have the time or the space to handle them yet. If you’d like to submit a review, article or interview, send a half-page synopsis with your return email address. Because Jacket is free and has no advertising and no source of income, I regret that I cannot offer to pay for contributions.
Copyright Notice: Please respect the fact that this material is copyright. It is made available here without charge for personal use only. It may not be stored, displayed, published, reproduced, or used for any other purpose. The material in this issue of Jacket is copyright © the individual contributors and Jacket magazine, as at the date of this issue.