Jacket 13 — April 2001 — Contents page
New American Writing issue - Clark Coolidge feature
This issue of Jacket is a co-production
with New American Writing magazine
Photo of Clark Coolidge by Tom Raworth
Clark Coolidge feature
edited by Nate Dorward
Clark Coolidge: ten poems
Tom Orange: An Interview with Clark Coolidge
Tom Orange: Arrangement and Density: A Context for Early Clark Coolidge
Alan Halsey: From a Diary of Reading Clark Coolidge
Michael Gizzi: XIV: In the Namewakes
Tyler Doherty: A Conversation with Clark Coolidge (in Jacket 22)
Further essays and articles on Clark Coolidge will appear in a forthcoming issue of Jacket. The guest editor for the Clark Coolidge feature is Nate Dorward. He lives in Toronto and runs The Gig magazine (for more information see http://www.geocities.com/ndorward/). He is getting around at last to writing his thesis, on contemporary small-press British poetry.
Linh Dinh: Our Newlyweds
Mark McMorris: Journals from The Café at Light (A Selection)
John Kinsella: Fog and Linnets
Philip Kobylarz: Preen
John Latta: two poems
Lisa Lubasch: Vicinities
Maureen McLane: two poems
Möng-Lan: Three-Auricled Heart
Geoffrey O’Brien: Impressions: 1929
Peter O’Leary: With More Passionate Flying
Greg Purcell: “Let Me Break One Off-Some and Enter Up-In to This Joint...”
Martha Ronk: three poems
Lisa Samuels: two poems
Spencer Selby: Bargain
Kerri Sonnenberg: three poems
Cole Swensen: four poems
Barbara Tomash: Nude in the Bath
Terence Winch: two poems
Andrew Zawacki: From Masquerade
New American Writing magazine
New American Writing Editor Paul Hoover, New York City, 1991. Photo by John Tranter
New American Writing Editor Maxine Chernoff
Photo Maxine Chernoff
THIS ISSUE of Jacket is a co-production with New American Writing magazine, and is published in print form as New American Writing number 19.
Founded in 1986, New American Writing is a literary magazine emphasizing contemporary American poetry. Edited by Paul Hoover, poet and editor of Postmodern American Poetry (W. W. Norton, 1994), and Maxine Chernoff, poet and author of the works of fiction Bop and American Heaven, it appears once a year in early June from 369 Molino Avenue, Mill Valley CA 94941, USA. You can visit Maxine Chernoff's homepage at http://www.previewport.com/Home/chernoff.html
New American Writing is published by OINK! Press, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization registered in the State of Illinois. Contributions to the magazine are welcome and fully tax-deductible.
Contributors have included John Ashbery, Robert Creeley, Charles Simic, Jorie Graham, Denise Levertov, Hilda Morley, August Kleinzahler, Ann Lauterbach, Ned Rorem, Wanda Coleman, Nathaniel Mackey, Barbara Guest, Marjorie Perloff, Lyn Hejinian, and Charles Bernstein, among others. In 1988 the magazine was named one of the nation's ten outstanding literary magazines by Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines.
Special issues of the magazine include a supplement of Australian poetry edited by John Tranter (No. 4), an issue on Censorship and the Arts (No. 5), a supplement of innovative poetry from Great Britain edited by Richard Caddel, and a supplement of Brazilian poetry edited by Regis Bonvicino (No. 18). All back issues of the magazine are in print with the exception of No. 4 and can be ordered from the address above.
Cover art (left): Island Studies, 2000, by Mark Strand. Mark Strand’s Island Studies are published by Goya Girl Press, Inc., of Baltimore, Maryland. Cover design: Sarah Faust, Columbia College Creative and Printing Services. Thanks to Columbia College Chicago and Z Press for their support.
New American Writing is indexed by Index of American Periodical Verse, American Humanities Index, and Annual Index to Poetry in Periodicals. Distributed by Ingram Periodicals, Total Distribution Services, Ubiquity, and Small Press Distribution. Bookstores should order from: Ingram Periodicals, 1117 Heil Quaker Boulevard, La Vergne, Tennessee 37086 — Phone: (800) 627-6247
All back issues of New American Writing including No. 4 (New Australian Poetry) can be downloaded in their entirety and at half price from InfoPost at http://www.infopost.com/

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Jacket 13 — April 2001
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Note from the Editor: I cannot accept poetry contributions that I don’t specifically ask for — I don’t have the time or the space to handle them yet. If you’d like to submit a review, article or interview, send a half-page synopsis with your return email address. Because Jacket is free and has no advertising and no source of income, I regret that I cannot offer to pay for contributions.
Copyright Notice: Please respect the fact that this material is copyright. It is made available here without charge for personal use only. It may not be stored, displayed, published, reproduced, or used for any other purpose. The material in this issue of Jacket is copyright © the individual contributors and Jacket magazine, as at the date of this issue.