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This piece is about 2 printed pages long.
It is copyright © Tim Wright and Jacket magazine 2010. See our [»»] Copyright notice.
The Internet address of this page is http://jacketmagazine.com/40/wright-tim-poem.shtml
as the baby calls its defence lawyer the art student
considers the ice bath cure
and the vodka fist
at the friday night fire-in-a-drum
linen cupboard delirium
or was it
the tiramisu-admirers
at the glass perspicaciously
warming it with their garlic breath
on the way there for
tinned lychees
deduced a mill of dandruff kitchen-scuffed
five-cent escutcheon tally
ho a walking bildungsroman
along the compost-line for your
dance moves sub wanna be
shop windows
starting something
fell victim to a slot machine gotta be
chirping how it came to worse than
how it came to
a poised metal teaspoon broken airport design pre
world war one undrilled
on a white saucer award-winning
money won’t buy you a dropped ice cream
taster now a memento
mori no no wouldn’t last the final lick
Tim Wright
photo by Susan Schultz
Tim Wright currently resides in Melbourne’s northern suburbs; blogs erratically at swimswam.wordpress.com.
He co-edits the web zine ‘When Pressed’ — http://whenpressed.net/