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This piece is about 5 printed pages long.
It is copyright © Ray DiPalma and Jacket magazine 2010. See our [»»] Copyright notice.
The Internet address of this page is http://jacketmagazine.com/40/dipalma-obliquium-10.shtml
Discerning a spectacle in the collisions of welcome
he returns a false note to the mystery—
but the crowd is so large no strangeness is noted
The haunts of inward commemoration—
a harvest of vicissitudes and necessary arrangements
—welts perfected as scars
From the unseen to the supposed
from the made seen to the determined
from the imponderable to the accrued
from the distant to the undoubted
from the unencountered to the sympathetic
Abstracting and indexing the pleroma into a final shuddering apathy
—ellipsis of environ [sequitur’s commission] with skyscape
Lines of longitude lines of latitude lines of lines
There is no trail here
Yet this is the beaten path
From melismas to miasmas
a new disposition presaged by celestial portents and
to be found in the numerological significance of 7 and 9
signaling rapprochement within the shadows of ideas
where the owl swallows the snake
bestia trionfante
—general ferment
Rhythmic variance and psycho-acoustic illusions
tied to economic volatility
Disorganized but manifold
Hammer and spring
Bangles, heavy seeds, clock parts, and felt
While the bottom end drifts
the top end is brought slowly into tune
Undone, as a man would ride an inch behind an oyster.
It is hard for an empty bag to cut down an oak for pears.
To sit upright would undo an oyster.
Not altogether invented
Say instead
Unraveled in a timely way
From a jagged refrain with a buoyant timbre
To a zealous clemency of song and chimney whistles
Confidential talk, expostulations, ambiguous moral responses
Depictions and guises
Under the temple roof
A life of the voice—
Voices—basso ostinato
A calculus of attention
Materia prima volta
Provisioned with forgotten details
—a trick of assimilation
Waiting to be chewed into cause and effect
A kingdom of pagodas
diplomacy and requiems
serendipitous oblivion
senza rigore
brooding and prone to the maladroit
Not a thousand times
another thousand times
to the urgent accompaniment
of its own devising
The meta and the –phor
Bourd to bourdon
Belief by philosophical illusion
—almost reticent a part
attached to its own absence
a stratagem of mistrust
Has the logos miscarried
as a search
for synthesis
—given formal
The ranking of resolutions
the colors of circumstance
mistaken for a path to the green sun
only the lineaments of the strategies
discerned or obscurely preferred
never their intended goal
You can read another seven poems from this series in this issue of Jacket.
Ray DiPalma
Ray DiPalma’s recent books include The Ancient Use of Stone (Seismicity Editions, 2009), Pensieri (Echo Park Press, 2009), Further Apocrypha (Pie in the Sky Press, 2009), L’Usage ancien de la pierre (Éditions Grèges, 2007), Quatre Poèmes (Éditions Comp’Act, 2006) (both books translated into French by Vincent Dussol), and Caper, Volume I. (ML & NLF, 2006). Among his earlier collections are Numbers and Tempers, Le Tombeau de Reverdy, Provocations, Hôtel des Ruines, Gnossiennes, and Letters. He lives in New York City and teaches at the School of Visual Arts.