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This piece is about 7 printed pages long.
It is copyright © Ben Lerner and Jacket magazine 2009. See our [»»] Copyright notice.
The Internet address of this page is http://jacketmagazine.com/38/lerner-doppler.shtml
I want to give you, however
brief, a sense of
period, a major advancement in
I slept through. I want to understand
I want to return to our earlier
I keep a notebook for
that purpose by
their motion lights, I didn’t want
to wake you, I
sell windows in
civilian life, I can sleep
anything, the way some people
here, in the terminal
Even as a child, I could sell
look at me, as if to say, what is he
sleeping, what is Ben
sleeping now. It is as good a word
as any
war between the forces of
I wrote this
quickly, over many years
You may have seen me writing it
In photographs, I never know
what they want me to do
with my hands, I just
smile, but it doesn’t mean
jumpsuits, they have changed
painting, I
behind the concertina wire
can’t look at it anymore, that wall
across which shadows play
Sorry to be vague
at such an hour. Were you
When I called, I heard
my voice
anywhere near waking
in the background
Strange, reversible lines, I thought
he was dead. He is
better of it, pushing the glass
away. How many songs
can it hold, that thing
I’ve seen in windows, has it changed
singing, or
hooded figures
I didn’t know
it had a camera, some features are
The blue of links, obscure
beneath the face, the green
We still don’t have a word for
Simulated drowning in
embedded streams
a perfect world
warming, we can enter
our address, they rotate
slowly overhead, the satellites
I imply their passing when
you’re reading, do you think
I wanted it to end
in complicated paths
like minor planets, flowering trees
or villages
aflame, please find
your seat, pretend
to be asleep, then am, head against
the shade, or writing in
a minute hand, yellow masks, unless
Small children traveling alone
there is a screen
or soldiers, so many dots per inch
The uniform
becomes you
Seen from space
it hasn’t happened yet, the states
I’m quoting from at night
are red. If they assign storms
proper names, why can’t I
Describe the structure of
feel anything, I mean without
built to sway, the saying goes
Those stars are where
I made some cuts
The last time I saw him was
more or less at random, long
stretches of implied
flatness, I can’t read my own
innumerable tiny marks
A rustling of tenses
like distant traffic
overhead, green
zones. On Election Day, make sure
you think of him here
Between commercials, little
glitches occur, so we know it’s live
around the edges, I
organized, distributed fliers like
This one
goes out to all
My people were
possible worlds, encouraging
signs, estimated crowds along
the vanishing coast, tonight
is brought to you
was brought to me
Unfinished, popular songs
I gathered
quickly, over many years
Forces are withdrawn
bundled and resold, the words
I distanced myself from
conventional forms, but now
Who am I to say
at the midpoint of dissolve
I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening
in prose
the weather broke
When they called
Against the glass, it writes itself
Illuminated prompts
make ordering easy, the way
It’s supposed to be a picture of
flying east, we lost a day
Blank verse returned
in his later work
To untrained eyes
it looks like me
Dispersed across regimes, the costs
expressed in human terms
Your machine picked up
the little delays, my intention was
music from a passing car
for Ari
I’d begin again, this time with
best practices
Inside the ear, small white buds
At odds with all ideas
of scale, last light glinting off
the wing seen from the ground
A delicate passage
in a so-so film, from dark to darks
The real
issue here, in the terminal
I’ve come to understand
April can be made into
a thing. I guess that’s obvious now
When every surface is
a counter, it’s hard to eat
Among my friends
those paintings double as
the end
of painting, so this might be
For a while, I thought it was
tentatively titled, a reference to
how waves return
In a cluster of eight poems
until you let go of the keys
damage is sustained
at each mention of his name
In the long dream
I left it out, that way
We can have the theater to ourselves
across which shadows play
The voice, because it is recorded
reminds me of
a slow remorse I sampled from
they were acting strange
Now they’re almost gone
or symbols, which is worse
After the last hive has collapsed
flowers will be poems
Composed entirely of stills
it doesn’t star
anyone you’d know, believe me
When I say
love, I mean
and that’s rare
enough, low beams exposed
Our permanent achievement
Unbeknownst to us, obscure
forces are at work
like a radio left on
On the outskirts of
identical cities
the new construction going up
is elegy, no
money down or interest through
The twilight of the medium
We’re heavily indebted to
interior scenes, now destroyed
It says so here
On the computer, you can watch
The seas
are rising, but
But nothing
anywhere near waking
In the crawlspace, we prepared
brief, discontinuous remarks
designed to fall apart
When read aloud
it reminds me of that time we saw
silent films
accompanied by
Her breathing was
a rustling of tenses, underground
Movements have become
citable in all their moments
With my non-dominant hand
I want to give
in a minor key
the broadest sense
Ben Lerner
Ben Lerner’s books are The Lichtenberg Figures (Copper Canyon, 2004) reviewed in Jacket 28, Angle of Yaw (Copper Canyon, 2006) reviewed in Jacket 37, and the forthcoming Mean Free Path (Copper Canyon, 2010), in which these poems appear. Ben is interviewed by Kent Johnson in Jacket 26.