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James McGarrell: Mountainside Reader; for JW
James McGarrell. Photograph by Jonathan Williams.
Mountainside Reader, for JW, was artist James McGarrell’s last birthday gift to Jonathan. Tom Meyer carried it to the hospital for Jonathan to see, and of course, Jonathan was pleased by the homage. Jonathan and James became friends in 1952, having met in New Orleans at the first recording of a street marching band, the Eureka, by their friends, Alden Ashforth and David Wyckoff. In ensuing decades Jonathan and Tom were occasional visitors of Jim and Ann’s at their homes in Bloomington, Indiana; Polgeto di Umbertide; St Louis; and Newbury, Vermont. Art, jazz, travel, baseball, high and low cuisine and good whiskey were common threads to their friendship. McGarrell contributed to numerous Jargon publications, as well as creating a couple of evocative images of his magpie friend, Jonathan. One could consider a last evocative portrait of Jonathan. http://www.redwingstanza.com/