Maxine Chernoff
Two poems
[the world owes more than the world can pay]
a ray
like music:
and beauty everyday”
many parts rejoice:
flower leaves, paint boxes,
coral and lambs
generosity in fate
but rich men and kings
who receive a gift poorly
fear favor or blackmail
glut (then loss)
If gifts might speak:
“you do not need me”
like a goldsmith
or loved one
finding rectitude
(a way to love)
in interference
[that time gives it its form]
never barley
(symbol of frailty)
money or eggs
hazardous to
the holy man
a reply/ a riposte
a dishonor
to steal a mule
by treachery
in sleep
for example
discrete moves
in boxing or chess
(the rule as obstacle)
ingratitude too
or misrecognition
so many errors
create suspense
& by illusion
a world is
and collapses

Maxine Chernoff
Maxine Chernoff is the co-editor of New American Writing magazine and chair of Creative Writing at San Francisco State University. She is the author of six books of fiction and six collections of poems. These poems are from her seventh poetry collection Among The Names, to be published in the Northern Spring of 2005 by Apogee Press.
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