Anselm Berrigan
Two poems
To protect my piracy
Data mining with occasional muzak
skids utilizing the versatility of the egg
Do I feel most like an animal
staring up at the dental light
I really don’t know
And will the world end
in the day time
I really don’t know
Fluid resistant face mask makes the case:
I’ll be wearing my Gorby blemish today
in memory of our record of no kills
You wanna live my way?
Whatever that is?
Rational compomise
and the politics of the situation
the next one
their compartments
a little blow
Every stranger near you
the situation
the next one
and so on mid-air captivity refuge for the mind
Defensive advantage.
Zoned in its place, decapitation on screen genocide in its place
off screen
semantics denying the dead
and dying
their right to the word
This is my space
to decompose
a little joyless form
finds its way in
live car crash
preview a head
King of the softies
Friend of King of the softies
Rocking on
If I’m blank you can write
what you want on me
It’s you I write for
& it’s you I don’t trust
To the earth
kiss my lifeline pet tomb guardian
‘tis no facet of truth that obstructs
this misshapen happiness as I
conceive of it: ride the flock out
of my padded sanctuary, let me swim
in the grease I love families gone to dissolve
in states of red I’m taking tomorrow seriously
America, but not today. Maybe I don’t live
for that failure to protect the massacred
anywhere haunts my game of sleep.
I got nothing to silently cycle, need
a new approach to work, want, have always
desperately wanted to help, we know
death too well as a family, we know other
families get it worse; we know how to handle it
through poetry and song, but the little shreds
of memory that make the gone dead spring
back to the mind’s shock-resistant stage
burn holes in my heart. Now Peter’s coming
to town and I want words to pick me, for
a minute, to lay a little mat down for him
to feel welcomed on. I don’t mourn what
never was there. Mourning taught me that.
Quickie slasher sequel distributes a fog.
Behead, bejewel a square filled with words
pushed out of windows, brittle arms
cordoned off. Rite aid heating pads a mid-day
gift. We will not register. Buy yourself
a flak jacket or give the dough to someone
on the street who sings critical thoughts, plus
Jameson’s. A little rocks or a lot of rocks?
Finally, a confusing question I can grasp
a fashion to. Shoot me for your freedom.

Anselm Berrigan
Anselm Berrigan is the author of Zero Star Hotel and Integrity & Dramatic Life, both published by Edge Books. A new book titled Some Notes On My Programming is forthcoming from Edge in late 2005.
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