Francisco Aragón
Three poems
You can also read three poems
by Francisco Aragón in Jacket 9
Love Poem
Just let the San Andreas
stay put, keeping this tunnel
intact, enough to amble
out of it, past Louie’s Dim
Sum a Saturday afternoon,
a breeze detectable off
the bay — visible in the distance,
carrying with it the smells
of open air markets:
crab freshly caught
and seahorses piled
in bins along Stockton...
or Jack, strolling out of the tube
connecting Polk Gulch
and North Beach, on his way
to Aquatic Park to spread
the Sporting Green
on his favorite patch of grass...
He is ferrying the portable
radio to his ear,
listening for the count
in the bottom of the ninth
at Candlestick and then
begins to smooth
the pages with his palms
before he sits
to keep it dry: the split
seat of his pants
— for Jack Spicer (1925–1965)
Nicaragua in a Voice
More than the poems
(the fruits that sang
their juices; dolls, feverish,
dreaming of nights,
city streets) for me it was
the idle chat between the poems:
cordial, intimate almost...
like a river’s murmur
as if a village — Chontales,
Granada — could speak,
whistle, inhabit
a if, closing
my eyes, I had it again,
once more within reach
his voice — my father
ill, won’t speak.
Of Wind and Rain
Davis, CA
This valley rain, swayed by wind — gray
as that distant afternoon
but for the stroll that lasted hours
and hours, soaking
his socks — it doesn’t matter
he thought, exploring city streets
for the first time
pleasure, until he came upon
a crowd bordering Leicester Square
What happened?, he asked
a petit lady wearing glasses, but
before she could speak a wall
of umbrellas and coats
parted down the middle where
he was: plum-faced,
rolling through on a stretcher...
Moments later they covered him up.
The rest of his walk
he doesn’t recall — I think his heart
stopped, a suited man offered
but those weren’t the ones
that spoke to him, still do:
poor man, softly, her light-blue
hair in his eyes...and his wife —
I saw the ring — expecting him home
for supper, like every night

Francisco Aragón is the author of Puerta del Sol (Bilingual Press, 2005). His poems and translations have appeared in various print and web publications, including Chain, Crab Orchard Review, Electronic Poetry Review, and Terra Incognita. He is the founding editor of Momotombo Press ( ), which supports emerging Latino writers and is housed at the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame, where he is a Fellow. He is currently editing an anthology of Latino poets, slated for publication in 2006 by University of Arizona Press.
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This material is copyright © Francisco Aragón and Jacket magazine 2004
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