| C O N T E N T S | H O M E P A G E | J A C K E T # N I N E | O C T O B E R 1 9 9 9 |
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exorcising | |
"Full bore . . ."
( prose poem )
Full bore. As at. The statement should be the clearest possible sentence, if it could be trusted. You (i.e. I but reluctant) look back to some other part. As time, its bootstraps, briefcase, flaunt ability to produce whatever was or was not required. Tentative, I address a large crowd. Revolution possible but Ungovernable. The dreamer wakes. Who knows the single face. Shuttling the dialectic. This loose gathering of citizens and their drawing from the streets and houses more of their number to fill and beat the castle grounds. Here where it says. Seizure. Myth. Romantic organ i.e. pump. Sincere relationship with arrows. Pump again. The patient comes to in a white room. Absence of daffodils. Colour as what we believe. Patently something. A reliable context generates endorsement. It took him some time to figure it out, naturally he continued fucking her though they didn't use that word. Insanity as a by-product of language, the eroding suspicion of activity behind the flats. Pinned to the stage/page, one can be distracted by an eloquent curve. What's life really like in America. The first bird is not the first bird. Whose bones she took and ground to dust as would float out the field, becoming. Versions of corn. Weather play. We read it, it was written & we read it. Investigations of 'we'. Who needs the story. Levers, chains, compass. The dimensions, significance in scale. A vague sensation, not unlike. Gaps between these several tongues. Hold to what you know. Obvious qualifications. Fear of Panic. Upsurge and router. In your car, on the way to. We must all discharge our obligations. Proffer throats and grain. The last bird is the last bird. She spoke, well hooked, a certainty. Shored to the bleak. Oblique and lantern. New sense. Irritation. Irrigation by a minor god. Graphic oyster of production. Sibilant beards the muttered/mothered grit. And sea to which returns. Properly invoiced. Accountment for. Number the unequivocal. Poised. A definite edge. Where foams the tawny tide tinder joint port of exchanges. As a last resort, country music. Train ride to story. Which tracks were here laid down. Striations, bruising, contusions, collusion of events. As a centre. As a point from which one might begin. Broken breads and fruit. Seeking benefit. To be made. Well. Shaped to purpose, this jug spout and lipped in grace of task. The five simplicities and their daughters. Where virtue's feminine (and takes us in) her ambiguous folds. Miracles unimportant except where regarded as a practical demonstration by poets. Writing up the people. Their flesh was more solid, their colour brighter and one might observe a particular vigour in their eyes. Religion working. The long day, its cherished shadow. As peace. As cease of pain. Dull folk. Our lot. So salt and ravaged. Him offered immortality and laughed in the goddess face. Did she think he was a fool. This is usually said out loud. A matter of pride. Pricked up and on. Forms of torture not apparent, perhaps a slight. As sleight and sleighed. Way off track. After snow, a new perplexion. Page up. Optimism as a fault lined to read. Where pools, no more than that. Moved. As with a. Sentience. The Discernibly Frivolous One, his confections. Pertinence, impending. Diagnosis as diversion. Verse to rights. Read the riot. Act. Observable disasters following the ad break. Coupled breasts and chocolate. Gloss. His assiduous licking. Evinced a passion for exotic foods, their stranger names hogging all available space. We are. As seemed to say. And less. Mind as menu. Cooking the books. An element of chance is built into every game we. Play/her. Would know my stops and dignity for exit. My song. Plucked, as fucked. Brief air, Where tidal sports the day. Spawns a whelp and baying down the moony prize. Torn of necessity. These shreds. Shriven. Bourne. Terms of harvest. In the final analysis. Rite wheel, the gates and altar. Knife. Circuit of desire, Slow ramp and bloody. This as given out. You can read Geraldine McKenzie's review of Anne Carson's «Autobiography of Red» in Jacket # 11. | |
J A C K E T # 9
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